Hall of Shame
For the garment industry, vintage clothing has become an endless source of inspiration.
Knocking-off contemporary brands is called something else.
Since “imitation is the highest from of flattery”, here are a few selected compliments we have received:

Very uninspired designs courtesy of www.vintageinspired.com

©2009 Mister Freedom® Bronco Champ / 2014 copy by French retailer (Edited, point made)

2012 “Uwe Van Afferden” knock-off of our MF® “NOS chambray” American Sportswear Collection ©2011

2012 “Shirt by Shirt” knock-off of MF® Utility Chambray ©2008

HARRY WILSON: Spotted by a friend in Belgium, knocks off MF® (2011)

‘Ryesville Koats & Jackets’ knocks off MF® “Road Champ” boots, JAPAN 2010

EVISU: Spotted on SuperFuture, knocks off MFSC® sweatshirt pattern (2010)