“American Sportswear NOS” FW2011

FALL 2011: “American Sportswear NOS” Collection (made in USA)
This Sportswear collection is all MADE in USA, an humble effort to keep factories busy at home, and to spend hard earned $ locally…
We chose NOS (New Old Stock, aka dead stock) fabrics for a lot of the items, selected from our collected stock of American vintage selvedged textiles. Not the easiest approach to manufacturing, since factories dread small batches, eclectic instructions, mixed fabric width and time consuming specific cut/sew…
We took the risks of the high road, and hope some will appreciate the efforts.

Imagery behind this collection is California mid 50′s to 60′s, from ranches, orange groves to Pacific shores. From off stage gear of the Hollywood cool cats, to Hipsters and Beats garb. Revisited MF® style.



USA Sporstwear Fall2011 poster Californian Blue Jeans Lot44NOS Chambray Shirts GroupingMF Indigo HenleysDenim Ranch Blouse Speedway Pique Jeans Chino Shipyard




