Mister Freedom® for Japan Disaster Relief: Round Two, “NINKYO” T-Shirt


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Limited Edition Mister Freedom® original “Ninkyo” Tshirt. The FULL amount of your purchase will go to the American Red Cross to support disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific.

Because the fight is far from over, and I believe in res non verba versus being just speechless in front of the constant and on-going flow of bad news from Japan, here is round two. This is what we cooked up this time:

We hand stenciled 30 custom numbered T-shirts, with original MF® artwork, this time inspired by 60’s propaganda art (Mai ’68in France, Cuba Libre, etc…)
The use of the ninkyo kanji (“an ancient philosophy that values Humanity, Justice and Duty…”) was inspired by an interesting read entitled “Yakuza to the rescue”. Take five, it’s insightful about the often crossed line between Right and Wrong.
Before afterhours bloggers get all excited, I confirm that there is NO political message is this graphic. The only message conveyed is that Japan will need all its will/work power and solidarity to rebuild the mess, especially after the world’s attention gets distracted by other events.

Mister Freedom will be donating ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the sale of each shirt to the American Red Cross, who will properly dispatch the funds to help those affected by the recent 9.0 earthquake in Japan and Tsunami throughout the Pacific. The MF donation for the FULL AMOUNT, $100.00 per shirt, will be made on the day of your purchase, and the official Red Cross receipt will be available on demand.

100% cotton knit Tubular T-shirts/ Printed on vintage 1950’s-60s NOS military undershirts/ Hand stenciled with water-based ink/ Each print is unique in its variations/ Limited Edition of thirty numbered shirts/ Packaged in custom made original MF chipboard boxes, hand stenciled/ Pre-Washed and fully shrunk.

The limited Edition shirts numbered 1 through 20 are available at Mister Freedom®.
For locals who want to do the right thing, shirts numbered 21 through 30are available from Tina Wakino at BAZAR 1108c Abbot Kinney, Venice, California 90291. Email [email protected]

Here is the list of the generous donors who have helped folks in Japan who really needed a hand and a break (we will update the list as fast as we can):
T-shirt No. 01/30 (SMALL): TOMMY YIP (UK)
T-shirt No. 02/30 (SMALL): ZACK GINIES (Canada)
T-shirt No. 03/30 (SMALL): D.B.P. (USA)
T-shirt No. 04/30 (SMALL): DOMINGO VILLANUEVA vintageengineerboots.com (USA)
T-shirt No. 05/30 (SMALL): JORGE GIL DE GOMEZ SANTO (Spain)
T-shirt No. 06/30 (SMALL): NOBUKO NISHIMURA Fr/jp design&vintage (France)
T-shirt No. 07/30 (SMALL): HEADSISTAILS (USA)
T-shirt No. 08/30 (SMALL): NANCY DEALEY (USA)
T-shirt No. 09/30 (SMALL): JAMES SEARS (USA)
T-shirt No. 10/30 (SMALL): MAVI (Spain)
T-shirt No. 11/30 (MEDIUM): GREG FURUKAWA (USA)
T-shirt No. 12/30 (MEDIUM): THIS SUNDAY (USA)
T-shirt No. 13/30 (MEDIUM): T. SHOOTER (USA)
T-shirt No. 14/30 (MEDIUM): BEN STARMER (USA)
T-shirt No. 15/30 (MEDIUM): JAMES SEARS (USA)
T-shirt No. 16/30 (MEDIUM): MITCHELL CHANG (USA)
T-shirt No. 18/30 (MEDIUM): CLINT MOREY (USA)
T-shirt No. 19/30 (MEDIUM): R.V. (USA)
T-shirt No. 20/30 (MEDIUM): R.V. (USA)
T-shirt No. 21/30 (SMALL) via Bazar: TIMOTHY “TUG” GODDARD (USA)
T-shirt No. 22/30 (SMALL) via Bazar: MICHAEL WILKERSON (USA)
T-shirt No. 23/30 (SMALL) via Bazar: AARON ISLE (USA)
T-shirt No. 24/30 (SMALL) via Bazar: MICHELLE WILLIAMS (USA)
T-shirt No. 25/30 (SMALL) via Bazar: KATERINA TANA katerinatanadesign.com (USA)
T-shirt No. 26/30 (MEDIUM) via Bazar: JOSHUA GILMAN (USA)
T-shirt No. 27/30 (MEDIUM) via Bazar: JASON HUE (USA)
T-shirt No. 28/30 (MEDIUM) via Bazar: THE RIOT ACT (USA)
T-shirt No. 29/30 (MEDIUM) via Bazar: ADRIENNE STOLTZ (USA)
T-shirt No. 30/30 (MEDIUM) via Bazar: COBY GEWERTZ (USA)

Size: SMALL & MEDIUM only
Retail $100.00 (full amount going t0 the American Red Cross). We pay for shipping.

We thank you sincerely in advance. For shirts No.1 through No.20, call John or Jordan at (323) 653-2014 or mail [email protected] or [email protected] to get yours while they last. We ship internationally.
For shirts No.21 through No.30, visit BAZAR in Venice, Calif. or call Tina at (310) 314 2101

UPDATE (Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at 02:00PM):


We still have a few left to go to win round two, but Mister Freedom® team and Tina Wakino would like to thank you again for your generosity and participation in making this donation of $3000.00 to the American Red Cross possible. YOU did it.
Lotsa love from MF® and BAZAR to all for your support of the JAPAN Disaster Relief.

Update Email from the RED CROSS, received June 20, 2011:

Mister Freedom® humble contribution to JAPAN Disaster Relief: Nihon “tourist” Tshirt


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Limited Edition Nihon tourist T-shirt“I SURVIVED JAPAN 9.0 AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY SHIRT”

I’ll try to be brief.
We are all getting depressed by the on-going dramas unfolding in Japan since March 11th 2011.
As a small and humble token of appreciation of a People, and respect of a Country I personally owe so much to, here is what we cooked up at work:

We hand stenciled 15 custom numbered T-shirts, with original artwork inspired by not-so-serious“tourist” type 1960’s-70’s graphic T-shirts. The recent events are obviously a non laughing matter, but some ‘lightness’ is the only remedy i have found against the daily flow of bad news and alarming updates…

Mister Freedom will be donating ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the sale of each shirt to the American Red Cross, who will properly dispatch the funds to help those affected by the recent 9.0 earthquake in Japan and Tsunami throughout the Pacific. The MF donation for the FULL AMOUNT, $100.00/shirt, will be made on the day of your purchase, and official receipts will be available on demand.

Of course we don’t expect you to be wearing the shirts, if you were not there when the 9.0 hit… But if you have a friend in Japan and would like to show that you “did something” by sending him/her this shirt as a present, know that your generosity will be helping some folks in need of food/shelter/support. (Just wait a  bit and let the Post Office deliver more urgent goods for now.)
We will be updating this post with the name or website of the 15 participants.

100% cotton indigo blue dyed Tubular T-shirts/ Vintage 1950’s-60s NOS military T-shirts/ Hand stenciled with slight variations/ Dual discharge and red waterbase ink printing/ Limited Edition of fifteen numbered shirts/ Packaged in custom made original MF chipboard boxes/ Pre-Washed and fully shrunk.

LIST OF DONORS (we salute you…):
T-shirt No. 01/15: RUMI I CHUNG (Australia)
T-shirt No. 02/15: BEATLE (Germany)
T-shirt No. 03/15: DOC BLUE (France)
T-shirt No. 04/15: THIS SUNDAY (USA)
T-shirt No. 05/15: JAMES SEARS (USA)
T-shirt No. 06/15: GREGOIRE (USA)
T-shirt No. 07/15: MAX RINCON (USA)
T-shirt No. 08/15: JOE McINTYRE (USA)
T-shirt No. 09/15: JOHAN HURTIG café.se (Sweden)
T-shirt No. 10/15: MICHAEL GOLLOTTI (USA)
T-shirt No. 11/15: LEAH GIONIS (Australia)
T-shirt No. 12/15: WALTER CARILLION (USA)
T-shirt No. 13/15: JAMES SEARS (USA)
T-shirt No. 14/15: NOBUKO NISHIMURA Fr/jp design&vintage (France)
T-shirt No. 15/15: KAI FU CHENG (USA)

Size: Small only
Retail $100.00
(full amount going t0 the American Red Cross). We pay for shipping

We thank you sincerely in advance. Call John or Jordan at (323) 653-2014 or mail [email protected] or [email protected] to get yours while they last. We ship internationally.

UPDATE (March 19th 2011, 1:48PM)

All of us at MISTER FREEDOM® wish to thank all of you dearly for your prompt actions and your generosity…
Thanks to the above listed 15 international donors, and everyone who applied, the American Red Cross has received a payment of $1500.00 (MF® made the full payment on day 1 because of the obvious urgency. Official receipt above.)
Lotsa love from MF® to all for your support of the JAPAN Disaster Relief.